Sunday, December 16, 2007

Att gå genom dörrar

Det finns förstås Zenons paradox att man aldrig kan gå genom en öppen dörr. Matematiskt upplöses paradoxen enkelt genom att en oändlig summation kan ge ett ändligt resultat. Man är den upplöst i drömmen? Låt oss för ett ögonblick föreställa oss rummen vi rör oss genom i drömmen som symboliska gestaltningar av omedvetna processer. Men hur gestaltas då övergången från den ena processen till den andra? Eller låt oss helt enkelt tänka oss rummen som uttryck för en spontant arkitektorisk skaparglädje, en vilja att möblera. Blir fokus i denna vilja konstant i passagen mellan två rum? Rapportera in era iakttagelser av vad som sker då man rör sig genom en dörr, eller snarare, rör man sig genom dörrar överhuvudtaget i drömmen? Hade Zenon rätt?


Anonymous said...

En gång skulle jag besöka ett sällskap människor i ett allvarssamt ärende. De var förresten kanske inte människor. Detta sällskap brukade i alla fall fördriva dagarna i en slags aristokratisk lättja i sin vilt prunkande villaträdgård. Man kunde bara komma in i trädgården genom att gå ut genom villans bakdörr. Jag insåg att detta inte bara var det enda sättet att närma sig dem, det var också i enlighet med de regler för etikett som gällde här, så jag smög mig in i huset och hittade snart dörren som vette mot trädgården, varpå jag klev ut på dörrtrappan och hälsade så belevat och respektfullt jag förmådde på sällskapet. En kvinna som genast tog på sig värdskapet för mitt besök steg fram och återgäldade allvarsamt hälsningen medan hon såg upp på mig. Sedan lät hon mig med vänliga åtbörder förstå att jag skulle gå ner till gräsmattan och ställa mig på hennes plats, medan hon intog min förra plats uppe på trappan. Placerade så hälsade vi en andra gång på varandra, lika belevat som förra gången, medan den bestämda känslan uppstod hos mig att ett enastående viktigt balansförhållande hade upprättats, en känsla som gick långt utöver tillfredställelsen av att bara ha lyckats exekvera en hälsningsceremoni enligt förekrifterna.


Anonymous said...

En dörr kan vara både öppen och stängd.


Anonymous said...

Klämde svansen i dörren...


Merl Fluin said...

A few mornings ago as I was waking up I heard the hypnogogic phrase: "The door contains the seeds of its own destruction."

Anonymous said...

I was walking around in an urban landscape, mostly indoors at some event or big party.
I was meeting a lot of people that i had not meet in a long time, and some people i meet quite often.
Everybody was very happy to see me and i was very happy to see them.
Their exited faces and happy smiles made me filled with love for everyone and i got intoxicated by this love, chatting and enjoying myself without any reflection. Very spontaneous and enthusiastic.
I met a lot of new people and talked to people ive seen but never talked to, and everyone seemed to be fantastic persons.
This was the feeling i got. It was the atmosphere. It was not what i thought cause i didnt really think.

Then i kind of started to think inside the dream, like i was on my way to wake up, and i got a bit scared cause i didnt reflect at all, i just got carried away by the atmosphere and the feeling of love.
”I could end up anywere cause i dont think, i just follow my intuition” i thought, and this was what scared me.

Then i thought of my wife and i filled up with a great feeling of love. I thought ”but how is my relation to her? Am i just carried away by the atmosphere that she creates in me? Do i know anything about her and about me with her, or am i just trapped inside my own experience of love?”.

When i was thinking that a twodimesional plane appeared next to (not inside) the 3 dimensional world i was exploring.
This 2 dimensional plane showed a door that i understood was a door she left for me.
She left it for me in the way that i could always reach it, cause this door followed me on this parallel plane wherever i moved in the world. And i knew it wouldnt dissappear. It was very solid.

This door made it possible for me to go outside of my own experience and contact her in her own world, wherever she were, and through this double-check things. Not just depend on the direct feeling that the image of her in my head, or the image of her infront of me, produced in me, but go beyond that and get knowledge about her, and about me through her, by entering her world through this door. I was extremely happy, as happy as i could cry, cause she left me this door.
It was the nicest thing anyone could do for any other person i thought.

Then i thought about the other people. Did i only know my feeling of their appearance (chatter, smiles) or did they also leave me doors. Yes! They did leave me doors, but revolving doors that sometimes were open and sometimes closed, sometimes there and sometimes gone.
Not in any way like the permanent door she left specially for me.
It was so fantastic i woke up and had to write it down.

So the door is located on a todimesional plane that follow me around anywere i go in a 3 dimensional world, i can reach this 2d plane from any point in the 3d world, yet they dont intersect or cut into eachother but maintain a relation of parallelism.

The thinking of the second part of the dream ar still extremely ”dreamy” and acompanied by the intense feelings and their transformations. The affects connected to the expression of the people, faces, chatter, and places in the dream sometimes were given as becomings that included there own distances within themself. For example, when some people shouted happily at me to come to sit at their table with the motivation that we would have a lot to discuss, i at the same moment as another degree of enthusiasm and love was laid to the others in this dreams continually upgoing curve of sublime joy, noticed this addition as a change not only in my own curve of happyness but also as a change in attitude towards the denoted crowd, who i formerly avoided because they were loud druncards that all night and day were sitting at the same pub, which i associated with a lack of content in thought and relations.